COVAP products
Our products come from animals born and raised by our farmers in the dehesa, as well as on farms that hold animal welfare certificates and under a 100% sustainable production model.

Ibérico products
Our Ibérico products come from a common source: The Dehesa, an unparalleled ecosystem where generation after generation of our farmers care for our acorn-fed Ibérico pigs and raise them roaming free.

Our dairy products come from the cows, sheep, and goats that live on the farms of the Cooperative's farmers. This allows us to monitor the welfare, diet, and care of our animals, as well as the daily collection, transformation, and marketing processes to produce top quality milk.

Our meat comes from animals that are born and raised roaming free, according to a free-range livestock farming model that guarantees the highest level of traceability and animal welfare. Giving rise to a selection of quality meats with a special, unique flavor.

We produce an exquisite selection of sheep and goat cheese produced from the best raw materials, our maximum quality milk from our family-run farms. A large variety of flavors and sensations to delight even the most demanding palates.