Positive impact on the environment

We guarantee a sustainable future for the territory because we are convinced that, in addition to offering quality, healthy, nutritional food products, our activities should take place in harmony with the environment.

Water management

Water management

This is one of the most relevant aspects for environmental sustainability and which implies permanent work in the stockbreeding operations and in the industry.



Our technical services, comprising 30 professionals, provide constant advice to the farms in relation to water management. Thus they provide information on its efficient use in milking rooms, recycling, and the collection of rainwater, among other things. Some of the projects already detailed in the Agriculture section, like Celegand, Agrisos, and Dehesatools, are in part aimed at optimizing the use of water.


We constantly work to save water and optimize consumption in all processes through various lines of action:

Operation and control of facilities
With consumption and loss indicators in osmosis and refrigeration facilities, as well as the reduction of the maintenance phases using water in the UHT equipment.
Maintenance and anomaly analysis
Through the detection of faults to avoid water wastage, the reduction of frozen water leakage, and data management to optimize consumption.
Implementation of improvements
Among other improvements, worth noting are the recirculation of the water, the use of rejected water for irrigation, and the recovery of water from condensation and homogenizers. Over the last three years, a reduction of 10% per liter of milk packaged has been achieved in the dairy industry with very similar production. Over the whole of COVAP's industry, the saving is 121 m3/day, which constitutes a considerable improvement in this respect.