
Get to know the day-to-day routine of our farmers at work on their cattle, Ibérico pig, sheep, and goat farms. Because it's thanks to their hard work, dedication, and love for what they do that today, COVAP is committed to animal welfare, rigorous process control, and the supplying of products of guaranteed quality.

Ganaderos sonriendo con sus cerdos

A day on an Ibérico pig farm

The countryside of the Dehesa, combined with the work of the best professionals, is the key to ensuring that COVAP's Ibérico products achieve the very best levels of quality. It's our most closely guarded secret!

The incredible genes of our purebred animals, combined with the unique diet we provide thanks to the Valley's oak trees, as well as our members’ many years of experience, yield a spectacular product that is one of a kind.
  • 07.00
    Amanece en la Dehesa

    Dawn in the Dehesa

    An exciting new day is about to begin in the Dehesa. The sun is just coming up and the first Ibérico pigs go outside to enjoy the landscape, fresh air, and beauty offered by the Valley.

  • 07.30
    Ganadero con sus cerdos

    The farmer arrives

    The animals wake up early each day to make the most of the splendid mornings. Now and again, we find a pig that has stayed at home and we go to check if it's alright.

  • 08.00
    Ganaderos con una niña y con un niño

    Checking the beds

    The new little piglets are now part of the farm! The farmer comes to take care of the new piglets and make sure that the mothers are recovering well.

  • 08.30
    Cerdos desayunando


    They feed on the delicious grass they find in our Dehesa, where they relax and roam free. They are magnificently adapted to our special ecosystem. There's no better place!

  • 10.00
    Bellotas en el césped

    The acorns fall

    Time for a visit from the acorn harvester! The acorn harvester gently shakes the oaks so that the acorns fall and the pigs are able to find them more easily. Acorns, given their high carbohydrate content, are the perfect food to give our animals all the energy they need.

  • 11.00
    Cerdos paseando en una esplanada

    Time for a walk!

    Our animals are full of curiosity! This means they spend the morning strolling around and exercising, helping to improve their feeding patterns and resulting in the best COVAP Ibérico products.

  • 13.00
    Cerdos durmiendo

    Siesta time

    Around noon, our animals let their food settle and take a long nap that will allow them to stay refreshed for the remainder of the day while the farmer supervises them to make sure they are all okay.

  • 16.00
    Cerdos en el río

    After the siesta

    After nap time, it's time to rouse the stubbornest sleepy heads to make the most of the remaining hours of light. This contact with nature allows the Ibérico pig to develop its full genetic potential.

  • 19.00
    Cerdos a punto de dormir


    Our pigs may be rustic animals, but they still enjoy little luxuries! They appreciate a nice warm bed, especially on nights when the cold creeps in through the window.

  • 20.30
    Puesta de sol en la Dehesa

    Evening falls

    Our farmer goes home to rest after having checked that our little pigs are resting calmly and peacefully. And just like that, with the farmer happy and the pigs tucked in and cozy, we bid them goodnight. See you tomorrow!

Mapa político de España

Pork farms

Pork farms

The Ibérico pig is the quintessential symbol of free-range pigs in Spain, and is one of the inhabitants of the wooded dehesas of the Valle de Los Pedroches.

Mapa político de EspañaBadajoz

Mapa político de EspañaCiudad Real

Mapa político de EspañaHuelva

Mapa político de EspañaCórdoba