Commitment to the economy

Part of the basis of our COVAP 360º model is economic sustainability, of which the concept of shared wealth forms an integral part.

Positive impact on governance

Positive impact on governance

Economic sustainability forms one of the basic pillars of the COVAP 360º model, as the concept of shared wealth is inherent in the model. This added value not only affects our members, the cooperative's owners, but also all the stakeholders that interact with it.

Goal Governance

To inspire more companies, organisations and individuals to adopt sustainable behaviour and lifestyles through our sustainability strategy.

Un camión de la empresa aparcado en uno de sus aparcamientos de hormigón

Cooperative Governing Bodies

The governance of our Cooperative entails applying management practices based on principles of democracy, ethics, and transparency that serve to protect our purpose and values over time. At COVAP, we have two main Corporate Governance bodies: Board of Management and General Assemblies. Our Board is the Cooperative's highest authority of governance and management, responsible for establishing the general operating guidelines in accordance with the Law, the Statutes, and the policy set by the General Assembly. The 13 Board members are chosen from among the active common members of our Cooperative, plus one staff representative chosen among staff members every two years. The Board of Management, led by the Presidency, has responsibilities including the naming of a CEO tasked with the day-to-day management of the Cooperative, including management of the Sustainability Strategy. The General Assembly, which analyzes the Cooperative's social management, reviews the annual financial statements and their respective profits or losses in each case, in order to keep management and cooperative members involved in the most important issues for the continuity and sustainability of the company.

Ethics and transparency

Our Code of Ethics and Anticorruption Policy establish the ethical principles and expected behavior for all the people with whom we interact, guaranteeing legal, professional, ethical, and responsible compliance. Strict adherence to them is essential to maintain and strengthen our reputation and credibility with all stakeholders in the COVAP value chain.

Our Reporting Channel is a system for communicating and discussing behavior or situations that violate the Code of Ethics or generate legal risks for COVAP. It is mandatory for all members, managers, and employees, no matter their professional category.

Corporate Social Responsibility

COVAP is voluntarily registered on the SEDEX platform to promote greater transparency and improve our social, environmental, and ethical impact across our entire value chain.