Our Cooperative appears in MERCO 2024 ranking
The MERCO ranking is recognised worldwide as one of the main benchmarks for assessing the reputation of companies and leaders in the business world. Its preparation is the result of an exhaustive and detailed analysis that includes more than 62,249 surveys, four evaluations and 14 sources of information, which guarantees the independence and objectivity of the process. Unlike other rankings, companies cannot apply to be considered, which makes this recognition even more valuable, as it depends entirely on external perception and assessment.
This recognition in MERCO 2024 reflects our ongoing commitment to excellence, quality and sustainability in all our areas of activity. We are deeply grateful and motivated by this achievement, which encourages us to continue working and building a brighter future for our Cooperative.
COVAP would like to thank all our cooperative members, staff, customers and the community in general, whose support has been fundamental in achieving this important recognition.
For more information on the MERCO 2024 ranking, you can consult the complete list here.