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COVAP receives the Junta de Andalucía Sustainability Award
On 1 December, the Andalusian Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development presided over the 17th Andalusian Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development Awards Ceremony . At this gala, the awards were presented to...

COVAP awarded at the Seventh Asepeyo Awards for Best...
The Sociedad Cooperativa Andaluza Ganadera del Valle de los Pedroches (COVAP) has won the first joint award in the category “Best Practice in Prevention Management” at the seventh edition of the Asepeyo Awards for Best Practice in Prevention. The ceremony took place in Zaragoza. These awards aim to recognize companies with excellent results in the area of occupational risk prevention.

The 25th COVAP Technical Conference reveals the...
The speakers at the COVAP Technical Conference have explained that the implementation of circular economy criteria marks the beginning of a new era, a “revolution” in the concept of consumption, because society as a whole must replace the mentality of “use and throw away” with encouraging life cycles of products and raw materials that are as long as possible.

COVAP wins the fourth Farming Innovation Award organised by the Joly Group and Banco Santander
The Valle de los Pedroches Livestock Cooperative won the fourth Farming Innovation Award given by the Joly Group and Banco Santander , joining a fine group of people and firms that have contributed towards boosting the farming and food...

COVAP's XXIV Technical Seminars address the need to create joint strategies to enable the preservation of the pasturelands, know
Today, during the XXIV COVAP Technical Seminars, Experts from different fields relating to the dehesa pasturelands have presented: “The dehesa: environment, conservation and heritage” which advocates a clear and defined commitment from the...

COVAP receives the Junta de Andalucía Sustainability Award
On 1 December, the Andalusian Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development...

COVAP is committed to the 4 fundamental pillars audited by the internationally recognized SMETA
COVAP is committed to the 4 fundamental pillars audited by the internationally recognized SMETA...

COVAP has been recognized with the SEPOR de Oro 2021 National Award
On October 26, COVAP ’s Director of Operations and Digital Strategy Vidal Madrid accepted...

COVAP Wins First Joint Prize in the “Best Practice in Prevention Management” Category for Its Project “Long Live the Healthy Com

COVAP awarded at the Seventh Asepeyo Awards for Best Practice in Prevention
The Sociedad Cooperativa Andaluza Ganadera del Valle de los Pedroches (COVAP) has won the first...

The 25th COVAP Technical Conference reveals the production changes involved in implementing the circular economy
The speakers at the COVAP Technical Conference have explained that the ...

COVAP wins the fourth Farming Innovation Award organised by the Joly Group and Banco Santander
The Valle de los Pedroches Livestock Cooperative won the fourth Farming Innovation Award...

COVAP's dairy products with the Say Yes to Dairy movement
COVAP's dairy division has joined the Say Yes to Dairy movement, the first EU programme...
International Development Innovation Award 2016 at the Awards
The news outlets , and have held the seventh...

COVAP continues to grow with a 2% increase in billing.
The Cooperativa Ganadera del Valle de los Pedroches (COVAP) recorded a turnover of €413 million...

COVAP's XXIV Technical Seminars address the need to create joint strategies to enable the preservation of the pasturelands, know
Today, during the XXIV COVAP Technical Seminars, Experts from different fields relating to the...

COVAP USA continues to grow in the North American market
COVAP USA is in full expansion in the United States, Canada and Mexico. Since we began exporting...