
Get to know the day-to-day routine of our farmers at work on their cattle, Ibérico pig, sheep, and goat farms. Because it's thanks to their hard work, dedication, and love for what they do that today, COVAP is committed to animal welfare, rigorous process control, and the supplying of products of guaranteed quality.

Ganadera dando de comer a las cabras

A day on the goat farm

Get to know the day-to-day routine of our goat farmers. Thanks to their passion for their jobs and animals, our valleys are a privileged environment for the rearing of goats.

The grass and pastures of the Dehesa that feed our goats provide them with the nutrients they need to produce our delicious COVAP goat milk.
  • Amanecer en los valles

    The sun is rising in the valleys

    The first rays of light pierce through the darkness of the night. A new adventure begins in our Valleys. Our farmers are getting ready for another day full of stories to tell!

  • Cabras llegando a la granja

    Arrival to the farm

    On arriving at the farm, the farmers check that the goats have all the attention they need, taking care of every detail. The day is finally starting! What will this fantastic day bring?

  • Ordeño de las cabras

    First milking

    Our goats calmly come over to the milking area in order. This is a highly developed process, in which animal hygiene and welfare are paramount.

  • Cabras desayunando

    Breakfast time!

    Our members know the formula to get the best milk. COVAP's excellent mix is key to obtaining a great yield and above all, quality milk with an unparalleled flavor.

  • Cuidados de las cabras

    Time to take care of the animals

    Our animals’ offspring needs to grow up healthy and strong. We’re not only interested in the health of our animals - their well-being is another of our priorities. So each morning, the shed and stables are cleaned out and filled with new feed. Good as new!

  • Ganadera recogiendo la leche de las cabras


    At COVAP, we collect the milk on a daily basis. Thanks to the proximity of our farms, the milk is collected quickly and in the best storage conditions to achieve its freshness and great taste.

  • Dos ganaderos con las cabras

    Tea time!

    How do we achieve the best possible milk production? At COVAP we know that a good diet of feed that we also produce ourselves and careful monitoring throughout the process are key. Taking care of our animals is our priority.

  • Ganadero ordeñando a las vacas

    Second milking

    After our goats have enjoyed a quality meal and their usual siesta following a long day full of activity, it’s time for the second milking of the day. Our animals return to the milking area to provide their best milk.

  • Ganaderos con sus cabras.

    See you tomorrow!

    Before going home for the day, it's important to check that all the goats are calm and happy. The farm gradually goes quiet as night falls and when everything is in order, the farmer goes home to rest and wait for the arrival of a new day.

Mapa político de España

54 goat farms

54 goat farms

Goats of the Murciano-Granadina race have a very high milk yield, which is used for the production of packaged milk. BADAJOZ CÓRDOBA CIUDAD REAL

Mapa político de EspañaBadajoz

Mapa político de EspañaCiudad Real

Mapa político de EspañaCórdoba