Commitment to innovation

Our track record is proof of our commitment to innovation, one of our strategic pillars.

una mano humana sujetando un vaso de fresca leche COVAP


Objective: The development of a UHT dairy drink enriched with heat-inactivated probiotic microorganisms with properties that boost the immune system.

Participating entities: The Maimónides Biomedical Research Institute of Córdoba (IMIBIC), AINIA, and COVAP.

Budget: €300,000

Financing agent: CDTI

Bolsas de alimentación animal de COVAP puestas en fila en unos surcos cavados en el césped

Go Celegand

New cereals and legumes for the Andalusian cattle rearing industry.

Objective: determination of the most suitable cereal and legume varieties to produce uniform batches of ensilage, hay, and feed for animals in relation to nutritional quality parameters and their adaptation to climate change and the climate conditions of Andalusia.

Participating entities: COVAP, Los Remedios Picasat S.C.A., Agrovegetal S.A., Loyola University, the Agricultural and Fishing Research and Training Institute (IFAPA), CICAP, Agri-food Cooperatives, etc.

Budget: €67,720.78

Financing agent: project co-financed 90% by the European Rural Development Agricultural Fund of the European Union (FEADER) and 10% by the Andalusian Regional Government through the Ministry of Agriculture, Fishing, Water, and Rural Development.

Cientos de jamones secándose y madurando para lograr su delicioso sabor

Assessment of the drying of the Ibérico pork through GC-IMS

Objective: Assessment of the Ibérico pork drying process through minimally invasive, non-destructive sampling based on puncture with needles in the typical testing spots and subsequent analysis using gas chromatography together with ion mobility spectrometry (GC-IMS).

Participating entities: COVAP and the University of Córdoba (UCO).

Budget: €86,300

Financing agent: Ministry of Science and Innovation (Industrial Doctorates 2017).

Objective: To develop sustainable fertilizer, using the excess from the production of tankage from the dairy cow cattle of COVAP's members as basal fertilization, in accordance with the dose legally permitted to cover the needs of the crops with the minimum environmental impact.

Participating entities: COVAP, Timac AGRO, Fertinagro Biotech S.L., Biorizon Biotech, Herogra Fertilizantes, Kimitec, and Masur.

Budget: €139,500

Financing agent: COVAP
Sustainable strategies to improve animal health and well-being from the source.

Objective: The creation of a comprehensive management system for animal health and well-being information for our cattle from the field to the slaughterhouse to facilitate and guarantee a reduction in the use of antibiotics in the cattle industry and classification centers, contributing to the sustainability of the Valle de Los Pedroches and supporting decision-making. At the same time, the project seeks to improve the efficiency and productive yield of our cattle farms and fattening operations.

Participating entities: University of Córdoba (UCO), CICAP, and COVAP.

Budget: €307,000

Financing agent: Ricardo Delgado Vizcaíno Foundation.
The use of new, more efficient cereal species for animal feed and the production of feed for cattle.

Objective: to transfer the knowledge gained in terms of the genetic improvement of the new species of cereals to the area of agricultural production, diversifying the current crops in agricultural companies and developing new products for the feeding of cattle by agricultural and livestock companies or cooperatives.

Participating entities: COVAP, Agrasys S.L., Gen-Ova Veterinaria S.L., IOS Servicios Empresariales S.L., CICAP, the University of Córdoba (UCO) and the Sustainable Agriculture Institute (IAS-CSIC).

Budget: €195,000

Financing agent: CDTI
Technology for the optimization of goat milk health, production, and products in Andalusia.

Objective: To assess the improvement in quality of goat milk through measures and technology that have a direct effect on the sanitary status and production data of the Andalusian goat livestock, and to develop tools to verify the absence of pathogens in goat milk, improve its stability, and reuse the byproducts produced.

Participating entities: COVAP, Quesería de la Sierra Subbética S.L., BIOMEDAL S.L., CORSEVILLA S.C.A., DOMCA S.L., and Serunion S.L.

Budget: €2,820,856

Financing agent: CDTI (INNTERCONECTA RFP).
Development of a digital platform for control and food safety 4.0.

Objective: To assess the risks of the food industry through the development of a digital platform allowing the connection of sensors, storage of data, and the development of predictive models in relation to the control of food safety in the food production process (drying of cured meats) based on the capturing and acquisition of data through non-destructive sensors.

Participating entities: SECPHO, NULAB, COVAP, Cárnicas Kiko, and Cluster Agroalimentario de Navarra (NAGRIFOOD).

Budget: €111,384.30

Financing agent: Ministry of Industry, Commerce, and Tourism (Innovative Business Groupings - AEI).
Parasitosis in small ruminants.

Objective: To find out the current rate of helminthiasis in the livestock of small ruminants in the Southern area of Spain and assess the rate of coccidiosis in lambs and possible measures to reduce the symptoms.

Participating entities: University of Córdoba (UCO), and COVAP.

Budget: €2,000

Financing agent: COVAP and the COMBAR (Combatting Anthelmintic Resistance in Ruminants) Network
GO InnoTuber
New bovine tuberculosis control measures and techniques in Andalusia.

Objective: The implementation of techniques for the diagnosis of tuberculosis in cattle, animals for hunting, and other forest species allowing the determination of the disease with the greatest possible predictive value in different farming species and distinguishing between infection by different microbacteria, the assessment of their effectiveness in the eradication of the illness in bovine cattle, and the development of epidemiological and analysis models for the identification of risk factors.

Participating entities: DCOOP, CICAP, Campus de Excelencia Internacional Agroalimentario (ceiA3), University of Córdoba (UCO), COVAP, and Agri-food Cooperatives.

Budget: €250,000

Financing agent: The Andalusian Regional Government through the Ministry of Agriculture, Fishing, and Rural Development (FEADER Funds)