Commitment to innovation

Our track record is proof of our commitment to innovation, one of our strategic pillars.

oyentes prestan toda su atención a los ponentes de GEN_

GEN_ Open Innovation Program

The GEN_ Open Innovation Program provides startups with a channel through which to form part of our ecosystem and grow together with our cooperative. The entrepreneurs (startups) have the opportunity to contribute innovative solutions, tools, and business models to our value chain, carrying out projects to meet the real needs of our cooperative.

La plantilla y estudiantes de Campus Innovaction

Campus Innovaction COVAP

Campus Innovaction COVAP is an initiative aimed at the capturing of new talent and ideas, where capacity for innovation and learning are the main pillars of the experience. Campus Innovaction COVAP focuses on showing young people the current innovation tools and trends in the agri-food industry, as they train in different disciplines within the scope of innovation to tackle the challenges for the future that we are facing.

Intrapreneurship programme

The COVAP Intrapreneurship Programme is a space for innovation designed to encourage the exchange of ideas and make the most of the creativity, talent and innovative spirit of those who form part of our Cooperative. At COVAP we promote collective intelligence, foster internal knowledge and generate value through our human team.